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George I
1715 Guinea – George I -The 1715 Guinea of King George I can be found with the Second Laureated Bust or the Third Laureated Bust. The third bust has no hair below the neck truncation.
1726 Silver Crown – George I -The 1726 Silver Crown, George I. Silver Crown coin of King George I. The reverse of the 1726 has slightly smaller plumes and roses than the earlier crowns of George I. The Regal year is printed in the edge, in the case of the 1726 crown it is DECIMO TERTIO.
1718 Crown – George I -The 1718 crown coin is an overstrike of the 1716 crown coin which means the '8' is stamped over the '6' in the date. It's less expensive for the Mint to modify dies to do this for small batches as there is no need to create totally new dies.
1723 Sixpence SSC – George I -In 1722 the South Seas Company discovered silver during their travels. The silver was shipped back and in 1723 Crowns, Half Crowns, Shillings and Sixpences were minted using that silver and marked with "SSC".