1643 Crown – Charles I -A large silver coin with diameter 44mm, weight 28.816g. The Obverse shows Charles on horseback carrying a sword. There are a large number of variations of Charles I crowns.
1882 Gold Sovereign Sydney – St George -This sovereign was made in Australia at the Sydney Mint. On the Obverse see there is a small 'S' (for Sydney) below the neck.
1658 Half-Crown – Oliver Cromwell -Beautiful, rare and expensive. It was the early days of milled coinage and the dies made by Thomas Simon were being produced in the Pierre Blondeau presses.
1904 Sixpence – Edward VII -The design was used 1902-1910. The Reverse, by Jean Baptiste Merlen, shows the words SIX PENCE, crowned, enclosed in a wreath. Date below.
1683 Fourpence – Charles II (milled) -The Fourpence has 4 interlocking C's on the reverse, the threepence 3 C's, twopence 2 C's and the penny only has one. Although they may be thought of as a Maundy set, all the coins were released into circulation.