1897 Gold Half-Sovereign Victoria Obverse 1897 Gold Half-Sovereign – Victoria - The 1897 Gold Half-Sovereign, London. In 1897, for the first time, a British Monarch had a Diamond Jubilee: Queen Victoria had ruled for 60 years.
1893 Gold Half-Sovereign Victoria Obverse 1893 Gold Half-Sovereign – Victoria - The 1893 Gold Half-Sovereign was the first year of the 'Old Head' or 'Vieiled' Head portrait of Queen Victoria. This portrait (by Thomas Brock) was used until Victoria's death in 1901.
1818 Half-Sovereign Reverse 1818 Half-Sovereign George III - The 1818 Half-Sovereign of King George III classed as the 'new' or 'last' coinage (1816-20), part of the recoinage after the Napoleonic wars. The coin was minted at the Tower Hill mint in London using steam-powered machines supplied by Boulton, Watt and Rennie.
1544-1547 Gold Half-Sovereign 1544-1547 Gold Half-Sovereign – Henry VIII - Henry VIII gold half-sovereign minted between 1544 and 1547 at the Tower (London) mint. Third coinage (1544-47, the start of the debasement). Diameter 30mm.