2023 Silver Sixpence – Charles III -Despite no longer being legal tender, the Royal Mint produces a new sixpence coin regularly for collectors. This is the 2023 Silver Sixpence, showing for the first time the head of King Charles III, honouring the year of the King's Coronation.
2023 Gold Sixpence – Charles III -This is the 2023 Gold Sixpence, showing for the first time the head of King Charles III and honouring the year of the King's Coronation.
2023 Two Pounds 1oz Silver Proof JRR Tolkien -One ounce Silver Proof £2 coin to commemorate JRR Tolkien, author of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Tolkien was Professor of Anglo-Saxon and later Professor of English Language and Literature, both at Oxford University.
2024 1oz Gold Proof Year of the Dragon – Charles III -2024 One Ounce Gold proof Lunar Year of the Dragon. If you were born in 2024, 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940 or 1928 then you could be in the Year of the Dragon
2023 1oz Gold Proof – Morgan le Fay -The third coin in the Royal Mint's 2023 Myths and Legends series showing characters from Arthurian legend is Morgan le Fay. This is the one ounce gold proof coin, denominated as £100.