Glossary of Numismatic Terms starting with D

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
Abbreviation for Denarius, the 'd' in £sd (pounds-shilling-pence), for the predecimal British penny.
The lowering of the intrinsic value of a coin, usually by reducing the gold or silver content. Monarchs and governments do it to save money (at the peoples expense).
Moving a currency onto the decimal system (units of 10). The UK decimalised in 1971 so that 1 pound = 100 pence.
Declaration Type
Coins of Charles I that carried the (abbreviated) motto 'Religio Protestantium Leges Angliae, Libertas Parliamenti' thus declaring 'The religion of the Protestants, the laws of England, the liberty of Parliament.
Decus et Tutamen
Latin for 'An ornament and a safeguard'. From Virgil’s Aeneid
Definitive coins
Definitives have the standard designs seen on the majority of official circulating currency. Unlike commemoratives (which are usually one-off designs), definitive designs stay the same for years or even decades.
Dei Gratia
Latin for 'By the Grace of God'. Often abbreviated such as D G Regina (By the Grace of God, Queen) or D G Rex for a King.
The standard Roman silver coin. Equivalent to 10 asses.
The face value of a coin, e.g. 'One Pound' or '10 cents'.
Artist or creator of the design of the coin.
Describes the head on the coin is wearing a crown or headband as an sign of Royalty.
Metal tool engraved with the design of the coin used to stamp the blank.
American 10 cent coin.
Domine Dirige Nos
Meaning: 'Lord direct us.' The Motto of London.
Double Eagle
American $20 gold coin (1850-1933)
Double Florin
British coin denominated at 4 shilling (4/-) minted during the reign of Queen Victoria. The were only made from 1887 until 1890, making it one of the shortest lived coins in British history. It is a large coin with a 36mm diameter, just 2mm smaller than a Crown. See Double Florins.
Double Strike
A coin that is struck twice leaving a double impression as a defect.
A brass Roman two-as coin.

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1889 Victoria DOUBLE FLORIN, Jubilee Head Silver Coin - NICE
1889 Victoria DOUBLE FLORIN, Jubilee Head Silver Coin - NICE
£ 1,026.72
1887 Victoria Great Britain Silver Double Florin Four Shillings 4S NGC MS62
1887 Victoria Great Britain Silver Double Florin Four Shillings 4S NGC MS62
£ 200.00
1887 Victoria Great Britain Silver Double Florin Four Shillings 4S NGC MS62
1887 Victoria Great Britain Silver Double Florin Four Shillings 4S NGC MS62
£ 180.00
1889 Queen Victoria Double Florin, Extremely Rare VGC
1889 Queen Victoria Double Florin, Extremely Rare VGC
£ 156.72
1887 Queen Victoria Silver Double Florin
1887 Queen Victoria Silver Double Florin
£ 37.12
Silver Double Florin 1887 Queen Victoria Jubilee Head Good Condition
Silver Double Florin 1887 Queen Victoria Jubilee Head Good Condition
£ 47.52
S3923, 1889 Queen Victoria Arabic 1, Double-Florin, Extremely Fine
S3923, 1889 Queen Victoria Arabic 1, Double-Florin, Extremely Fine
£ 135.00
Victoria, 1887 Jubilee Double Florin NGC AU 58
Victoria, 1887 Jubilee Double Florin NGC AU 58
£ 165.00

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Glossary of Numismatic Terms

Numismatics is the study of coin collecting and it also has its own language with many words and terms. Our Glossary of Numismatic Terms give the explanation to some of these coin collecting words. To contribute terms please email them to