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Roman Coins
18BC Denarius – Augustus -Silver Denarius of Emperor Augustus, minted around 18BC. The mint is uncertain, it may be a Spanish mint called Colonia Patricia. The Reverse shows the Temple of Mars Ultor, a domed temple with three steps leading up to a chariot which carries aquila.
103-111AD Denarius – Trajan -The 103-111AD Silver Denarius was minted between 103AD and 111AD during the reign of Emperor Trajan. COS V means Trajan was Consul for the fifth time, and as it is known that Trajan had a sixth time starting 1st January 112AD it means that the coins must have been created 103-111AD.
72AD-73AD Dupondius – Vespasian / Securitas -Orichalcum Dupondius of Emperor Vespasian struck around 72-73AD at the Lugdunum Mint in Gaul. Orichalcum is a golden-coloured bronze alloy that was often used in ancient Rome coinage.
71AD Sestertius – Vespasian / Judaea Capta -Ae (Bronze) Sestertius of Emperor Vespasian minted 71AD. Judaea Capta coins were a series of commemorative coins issued by the Vespasian to celebrate the capture of Judaea and the destruction of the Jewish Second Temple by his son Titus in 70 AD.
114AD Sestertius – Trajan / Fortuna -Sestertius of Emperor Trajan, struck at the Rome Mint between Winter 114AD and early 116AD. The Reverse shows Fortuna, the goddess of fortune and the personification of luck, seated with her feet on a stool holding the rudder of a ship with her right hand, cornucopia in her left hand.
List of Roman Emperors -This is a list of the Emperors of the Roman Empire 27BC (Augustus) until 476AD (Romulus Augustus).
Why Roman Coins Are NOT Expensive -When I show friends my coin collection, the coins that really give a ‘Wow’ reaction are the Roman coins. My friends must dream of the coin in the purse of some Roman Centurion around the time of Jesus, and it must be worth a fortune. They are soon shocked, and somewhat disappointed, to find that most Roman coins have a value of no more than a few pounds or dollars. How can this be?
The Ancient Roman Coin System -Some of the most common ancient Roman coins include the aureus (gold), denarius (silver), and the sestertius (bronze). These coins were minted from half way through the third century BC till half way through the third century AD