785-792 Penny Offa Obverse 785-792 Penny – Offa - The coins of King Offa are known for their quality and artistic content, and this exceptional silver penny is a great example. It was struck around 785-792 (maybe 793) at the London mint of moneyer Eadhun.
1136-1145 Penny Stephen 1286 Obverse 1136-1145 Penny – Stephen - Stephen, also known as Stephen of Blois, was King of England from 22 December 1135 until his death on 25 October 1154 (aged 57-62). Born in 1092 or 1096 Blois, Kingdom of France.
1826 Penny George IV Reverse 1826 Penny – George IV - There are several variations of the 1826 Penny, mainly on the Saltire (Saint Andrew's Cross) which can have plain, thin or thick lines. The proof version has the same variants.
1070 Penny William I Obverse 1070 Penny – William I (William the Conqueror) Canopy Type - 1070 Penny - William I (William the Conqueror) Canopy Type
Penny - Richard I (Richard the Lionheart) 1189 Penny – Richard I - If you're looking for Richard's name in the legend then you may be disappointed as it says HENRICVS, as the coins were struck in the name and design of Henry II (and continued to be so in the next reign too).
The 1806 Halfpenny - George III 1806 Halfpenny – George III - There had been a need for a circulation halfpenny since the reign of Charles II but due to the (relatively) high production costs mintage was sporadic. In 1797 the Royal Mint asked Matthew Boulton to produce copper coins at his Soho Mint in Birmingham and the Fourth Issue coinage included the halfpenny (and also twopence, penny and farthing).
975 Penny – Edward the Martyr 975 Penny – Edward the Martyr - Silver Penny of Edward the Martyr, minted some time between 975-978. at the Lincoln Mint of Moneyer Rodbert. Edward became King in 975 when he was only about 13 years old and reigned until he was murdered in 978.
1797 Cartwheel Penny The 1797 Cartwheel Penny - The 1797 Penny is one of the most remarkable coins in British history. Its size earned the coin its nickname of the 'Cartwheel' penny. It has a diameter of 36mm, it is 3mm thick and weighs 28.35g. Compared to a modern penny it is almost twice the size, twice the thickness and a staggering eight times heavier!