1872/1 Gold Sovereign – Melbourne 2/1 Overdate -This was the first year that Melbourne Mint struck coins. There was a worry that the new dies may not arrive from London, so they modified the unused 1871 dies so as they would read 1872.
1839 Gold Sovereign Proof -1839 Gold Sovereign Proof minted by the Royal Mint in London. First (Small) Head by William Wyon. Some variations but all 1839 proofs are expensive.
1888 Penny – Victoria -1888 Bun Penny of Queen Victoria, so called as the Queen has her hair tied back into a 'bun'. The Obverse and Reverse were designed by Leonard Charles Wyon. Obverse 12, Reverse N.
1897 Gold Sovereign Sydney -The small 'S' just above the date shows this coin was minted by the Royal Mint at the Sydney Mint in New South Wales, Australia.
1882 Gold Sovereign Melbourne – Shield -This sovereign was made in Australia, in the Melbourne Mint. On the Reverse see there is a small 'M' below the shield. The Obverse shows a young head portrait of Victoria by William Wyon.
1901 Penny – Victoria -The Veiled or Old Head Bronze Penny of Queen Victoria. The Old Head portrait on the penny ran 1895-1901, although silver and gold coins used it from the diamond jubilee in 1893.
1893 Gold Sovereign London -1893 was the first year of the 'Old Head' portrait of Queen Victoria by Thomas Brock RA. This portrait was used until Victoria's death in 1901.
1860 Farthing – Victoria (Bronze) -The 1860 Queen Victoria Bronze Farthing. Second Young head ('Bun' head). Diameter 20mm. The coin can have a toothed border or beaded border. In 1860 the last of the larger Copper farthings were minted and have the date on the obverse.
1897 Gold Half-Sovereign – Victoria -The 1897 Gold Half-Sovereign, London. In 1897, for the first time, a British Monarch had a Diamond Jubilee: Queen Victoria had ruled for 60 years.