2023 Five Pound Bond Films of the 1970s Wet Nellie 2023 Five Pounds – Six Decades of 007 – Bond Films of the 1970s – Charles III - The second coin in the 007 collection from the Royal Mint called "Six Decades of 007" is "Bond Films of the 1970s". This is the BU Five Pound (£5) coin showing "Wet Nellie".
2023 Coronation of King Charles III tenth oz Gold Bullion Coin 2023 Coronation of King Charles III 1/10oz Gold Bullion Coin - The Gold Proof coin contains one-tenth (1/10th) ounce (0.1 oz) of 999.9 fine gold, and was issued to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III on 6 May 2023.
2023 1oz Gold Proof Lion and Eagle 2023 Gold Proof 1oz – The Lion and The Eagle – Charles III - This 1oz gold coin is part of a group of commemorative coins to celebrate the relationship between the UK and USA. The image shows the British Lion and the American Eagle.
2023 Two Pounds Lion and Eagle Reverse 2023 Two Pounds – The Lion and The Eagle – 1oz Silver Proof – Charles III - This is part of a group of commemorative coins to celebrate the relationship between the UK and USA. The image shows the British Lion and the American Eagle.
2023 1oz Gold Proof £100 Bond Films of the 1960s Reverse 2023 1oz Gold Proof £100 – Bond Films of the 1960s – Charles III - The first gold coin in a new 007 collection from the Royal Mint "Six Decades of 007". This is the One Troy Ounce 999.9 Fine Gold Proof coin, denominated £100.
2023 Two Pounds Bond Films of the 1960s 1oz Silver Proof Reverse 2023 Bond Films of the 1960s – 1oz Silver Proof £2 – Charles III - The first coin in Royal Mint's "Bond Films of the 1960s". Shows "Little Nellie" from "You Only Live Twice" (1967, Sean Connery).
2023 Star Wars Fifty Pence Luke Skywalker Princess Leia Reverse 2023 Star Wars Fifty Pence – Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia - The Royal Mint's Star Wars™ collection continues with Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. The design is on BU, Silver and Gold coins as 50p coins or circular coins.
2023 Five Pound 75th Birthday of King Charles III Reverse 2023 Five Pounds – 75th Birthday of King Charles III - A £5 coin commemorating the 75th Birthday of His Majesty King Charles III who was born on 14 November 1948.
2023 Fifty Pence The Snowman Silver Proof Reverse 2023 Fifty Pence The Snowman Silver Proof – Charles III - For the sixth time the Royal Mint continues its tradition of Christmas coins with the 2023 version of The Snowman, this time with The Snowman’s key theme of friendship. Obverse is Charles III.
2023 Penny Charles III Reverse 2023 Penny – Definitive Design – Charles III - The first King Charles III One Penny definitive design for circulation. The Reverse of the 2023 1p design shows a hazel dormouse.