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1315-1318 Penny Class XIII London – Edward II -Silver Penny of King Edward II, minted at the London Mint around 1315-1318. The coins of Edward II are generally as the coins of Edward I with minor variations.
1310-1314 Penny Class XI Bury St. Edmunds – Edward II -Silver Penny of King Edward II, minted at the Bury St. Edmunds Mint around 1310-1314. Class XI. Edward ruled from 1307 until he was deposed in 1327. He had a controversial reign.
1912 H Penny – George V -The 1912H Penny, minted by Heaton & Sons in Birmingham. It is the same design as other 1912 pennies with the exception of the 'H' mint mark.
1918 KN Penny – George V -The Kings Norton 1918KN Penny, minted by the Kings Norton Metal Co in Birmingham. It is the same design as other 1918 pennies with the exception of the 'KN' mint mark.
1901 Penny – Victoria -The Veiled or Old Head Bronze Penny of Queen Victoria. The Old Head portrait on the penny ran 1895-1901, although silver and gold coins used it from the diamond jubilee in 1893.
1204 Penny – John – class 4c London -Silver Penny struck in the reign of King John (although carries the name of his Father King Henry II) minted around 1204 at the London mint of moneyer Fulke. Class 4c.
997-1003 Penny – AEthelred II London -Silver Penny of the Anglo-Saxon King Æthelred II, struck about 997-1003 at the London Mint of Moneyer Eadwine. Long Cross type. Latin Legend "+ÆÐELRÆD REX ANGLOI".
1066 Penny – William I (William the Conqueror) Bonnet Type -Silver penny of William the Conqueror, struck around 1066 at the London Mint of moneyer Aegelric. The Obverse shows a facing crowned and diademed bust of King William I with two fillets to sides. This is known as the Bonnet Type (BMC 2).