1698 Penny – William III -The pennies produced were in silver and had the same design as the Maundy coins. Copper halfpennies and farthings were minted, but no copper pennies.
1705 Penny – Anne -The Pennies of Queen Anne were silver and had the same design as the Maundy coins.
1716 Penny – George I -Silver Maundy Penny of King George I, minted in 1716 by the Royal Mint. No Copper pennies were minted under George I (they did mint halfpennies and farthings).
Coins of Queen Mary I -A list of Coins of Queen Mary I (Mary 1553-54 - Philip and Mary 1554-58)
1831 Penny – William IV – Proof -Copper penny of King William IV minted in 1831. Note that William IV is shown on the coin in Latin as GULIELMUS IIII.
1746 Maundy Penny – George II -Silver Maundy Penny of King George II, minted in 1746 by the Royal Mint. No Copper pennies were minted under George II (they did mint halfpennies and farthings).