About CoinParade.co.uk

Feedspot Top 50 Coin Blog
Welcome to CoinParade! We have lots of great articles on coin collecting and the history of coins. Use our Database of Coins to research popular coins such as sovereigns, two-pounds or 50 pence’s. We have about 3,000 articles on coin collecting and the history of coins, and more than 5,000 images.
Most of our content is about British coins, but we have articles on American, Canadian, Australian and several other countries. We occasionally write about investments, metal detecting and history. Please note we do not buy or sell coins.
CoinParade.co.uk is authored by Les Kendall. I built this site because I am interested in coin collecting, and as a professional Freelance Software Developer I have been lucky enough to write software for several professional Coin and bullion dealers.
By trade, I am a professional .NET, Flutter, NodeJS, PHP and WordPress software developer, and owner of RobotBooker Ltd, a small software company in England which develops Room Booking and Reservation Systems. I also have published apps to the Apple Store for the iPhone and the Microsoft Store for Windows.
Facebook page: fb.me/CoinParade
Please follow me on Twitter:
Coin Collecting:
Follow @CoinParade
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Follow @LesKendall
Email me at: Les AT coinparade.co.uk.
See my Software/Business Development Blog at makeITspendIT.com
Notes about Content
All the content here is original and copyright. All articles are original to us unless specifically acknowledged otherwise. Unless I’ve used public domain images or given specific attribution, images have been created by us or used with permission from M J Hughes Coins.
The Royal Mint has allowed us to use some of their images and are copyright Royal Mint. The Royal Mint does not endorse this site or its content.
Everything on this site is legal and accurate as far as I know it. If you have any corrections then please email me.
If anyone would like to contribute articles then please email them to me. You can retain your copyright on the article but you will need to give us permission to publish it.
We rely on third-parties for images, so if you can help by letting us use images from your website, we’ll give you full credit and a useful back-link.
Mintage Figures
Mintage figures come from different sources, including the web, books and coin dealers. There is sometimes a discrepancy or dispute about the actual figures and in those cases I’ve tried to use what is generally acknowledged as the most authentic. There is also a difference between what is allowed to be minted and how many are actually issued.
Mintage of gold coins such as sovereigns can be confusing even to mints, as they have in the past melted worn coins down and re-minted them, and then counted that as a new coin. Whatever, no one really knows how many specimens of a given coin are actually still in existence and it’s down to the experience of dealers and collectors to ascertain the real rarity and value of that coin.
My great-nephew, Max Hughes, is a professional coin dealer at M J Hughes Coins. I thank him for his advice and allowing me to use images from his website.
This site carries eBay listings, Amazon Associate, Royal Mint and other affiliate advertisements. I may get commission if you click on these links and make a subsequent qualifying purchase.
This site is intended for collectors, and for sharing information about coin collecting in general. We do not give (or infer) any advice on buying, selling or investing in coins. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information given.
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Please see CoinParade Privacy Policy.